
The Incredible Mystery of Taka No Me No Mihawk


The Incredible Mystery of Taka No Me No Mihawk

On this occasion we will talk about Taka No me No Mihawk / Dracule Mihawk to see more of this character. For fans of One Piece Definitely not familiar with this name. Yes, he is one of unbeaten Shicibukai by straw hat pirates group. It is very strong Taka No me No Mihawk / Dracule Mihawk.
Close No me No Mihawk / Dracule Mihawk is tall, lean man with black hair, a short beard, mustache and sideburns pointing upwards. His nickname comes from his eyes strange yellow color, which resembles an eagle eye. He was probably one of the most serious characters in One Piece
She recognizes and respects the code sword and he even allowed a special training Roronoa Zoro in his dedication and attitude is not selfish. He also is not afraid to reference the title of "The World's Greatest Swordsman" pinned on him, shows the high level of confidence in the ability of their own. He had pride in his sword skills, assume that a scratch on his sword is disabled for pride
Mihawk has a blade cross pendant worn around his neck. He is shown using it as a tool to eat, but if there is in his hand, a knife can be a lethal weapon capable of defeating a swordsman with average ability. Mihawk also has a blade cross pendant worn around his neck. He is shown using it as a tool to eat, but if there was in his hand, a knife can be a lethal weapon capable of defeating a swordsman with average ability.
Below are 5 facts about Taka No me No Mihawk / Dracule Mihawk, check it out:
1. He is the first Shichibukai featured in the series. Ie when Mihawk arrived at Krieg ship Baratie and cut into three pieces.
2. He is the only Shichibukai to the value of game is unknown.
He is the only Shichibukai who are not members of the crew or organization. he does not seem to have friends when sailing.
4. He, Jinbe and Edward Weeble currently only known Shichibukai who do not have Devil Fruit powers.
5. Mihawk is a rival one of the most powerful pirates in One Piece Shanks. However, Mihawk lost interest in him after Shanks lost his left arm
6. He shares his birthday with Shanks and Franky (March 9).
So that can be expressed by admin, hopefully entertained about the story Taka No me No Mihawk / Dracule this Mihawk .... bye


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Cerita Rakyat dari Jawa Timur: Cindelaras [Dongeng Sebelum Tidur]


Cerita Rakyat dari Jawa Timur: Cindelaras [Dongeng Sebelum Tidur]
ini adalah sebuah cerita rakyat yang berjudul Cindelaras; cerita rakyat besar dari Jawa Timur Indonesia. untuk Anda, yang membutuhkan yang dapat dicetak untuk dikumpulkan. cerita ini sangat cocok untuk dongeng sebelum tidur.

RADEN Putra adalah raja Jenggala kerajaan. Dia memiliki seorang ratu yang cantik. Selain itu, raja juga memiliki selir yang indah. Tidak seperti ratu, selir memiliki kepribadian buruk. Dia cemburu dengan ratu, jadi dia berencana untuk membuat ratu meninggalkan istana. Dengan demikian, dia bisa menjadi ratu baru.

Selir: tentu saja saya harus membuat rencana untuk membuat ratu meninggalkan istana ini, hmmmmm ayo otak berpikir rencana, hmmmm ya ini adalah itu ... ini adalah brilian hahhahahha mari kita lakukan hahaha, ratu, akhirnya Anda akan keluar dari istana ini hahahahha. Lalu aku akan menjadi ratu baru, hahahhaha

selir meminta istana penyembuh untuk membantu dia melakukan rencana buruk. Mereka mengatakan kepada raja bahwa ratu ingin meracuni dia.
Selir: raja, melihat kaca ini! Melihat! Lihatlah air ini! Jangan pernah menyentuh kaca ini lagi, raja!
Raja: menunggu ... .. tetap tenang! Apa yang salah dengan gelas? Ceritakan detail!
Selir: percayalah raja! Jangan pernah menyentuh kaca ini lagi! Atau Anda akan mati.
Raja: apa ??? Benarkah? Mengapa bisa terjadi?
Selir: Saya melihat ratu menuangkan racun ke air, raja. Meminta istana penyembuh! Dia juga.
Raja: queen ... .. Ratu Mari ... datang ke sini!
Ratu: ya raja. Apa yang terjadi?
Raja: lihat! Lihatlah kaca ini! Apa yang Anda melayani saya?
Ratu: ini adalah segelas air, raja; seperti biasa saya melayani untuk Anda setiap pagi.
Raja: apa? Anda mengatakan itu hanya segelas air seperti biasa, ya? Beraninya kau! Ini adalah racun. Anda ingin membunuhku, bukan? Dengan ini saya tidak ingin melihat wajah Anda lagi di istana ini. Pergi sekarang! Tidak pernah kembali lagi!
raja marah. Dia mengirim ratu ke hutan. Ini adalah hukuman untuknya. Ada satu syarat bahwa raja tidak tahu, ratu hamil.

Setelah beberapa bulan tinggal di hutan, Ratu melahirkan seorang bayi laki-laki yang sehat. Dia menamainya Cindelaras. Ia dibesarkan sebagai pria muda yang baik, sehat, dan tampan. Suatu hari, sementara Cindelaras membantu ibunya untuk mengumpulkan beberapa kebakaran hutan, elang menjatuhkan telur. Dia mengambil telur dan hati-hati merawat itu.

Telur menetas menjadi anak ayam dan kemudian menjadi seekor ayam jantan yang kuat. ayam memiliki skill magis. Itu sangat kuat dan terampil dalam pertempuran dengan ayam jantan lainnya. Selain itu, ayam juga bisa menyanyi. lagu itu tentang Cindelaras dan ayahnya, Raden Putra.

"Tuanku Cindelaras. Dia tinggal di hutan. Ayahnya adalah seorang raja. Namanya Raden Putra. "

ayam sering menyanyikan lagu tersebut.

Ketika Cindelaras pertama kali mendengar lagu itu, ia mengabaikannya. Namun, ia tidak bisa tahan lagi. Dia berbicara dengan ibunya tentang hal itu. ibunya menceritakan seluruh cerita.

Cindelaras: ibu, saya ingin bertanya mengapa ayam saya selalu bernyanyi seolah-olah saya putra raja istana ini. Katakan sesuatu, ibu. Itu menjijikkan. Ini mengganggu saya, ibu.
Queen: anak baik-baik saja, ini adalah waktu yang tepat untuk mengatakan yang sebenarnya. Anda, Cindelaras, adalah putra raja, Raden Putra, raja istana ini.
Cindelaras: apa ?? Apakah itu benar, ibu?

Cindelaras sangat terkejut. Dia memutuskan untuk pergi ke istana untuk bertemu raja, ayahnya. Cindelaras juga membawa ayam untuk pergi ke istana.

Dalam perjalanan untuk pergi ke sana, ia bertemu dengan beberapa orang. Mereka meminta dia untuk melawan ayam dengan ayam jantan mereka. ayam Cindelaras 'memenangkan pertarungan. Dia menang lagi dan lagi. Raja Raden Putra mendengar berita tentang ayam Cindelaras besar '. Jadi, ia mengundang Cindelaras ke istana untuk melawan ayam dengan ayam raja.

Raja: menyambut ke istana ini, anak-anak! Saya mendengar begitu banyak berita tentang Anda dan ayam Anda dari rakyat saya. Aku menjadi cemas betapa besar ayam Anda. Mari kita bertarung bahwa dengan ayam saya.
Cindelaras: Raja baik-baik saja, tapi dengan satu syarat.
Raja: apa kondisi?
Cindelaras: Anda membuat taruhan, raja.
King: oke, jika ayam Anda menang, Anda akan mendapatkan hal-hal yang berharga dari saya. Tetapi jika ayam Anda kehilangan, Anda akan mendapatkan hukuman dari saya.
Cindelaras: baik-baik saja saya setuju dengan itu. Ayo berjuang!

Kedua ayam jantan bertempur dengan gagah berani. Hanya dalam beberapa menit, ayam Cindelaras 'memenangkan pertarungan! Kemudian, ayam menyanyikan lagu tersebut.
"Tuanku Cindelaras. Dia tinggal di hutan. Ayahnya adalah seorang raja. Namanya Raden Putra. "

ayam menyanyikan lagu tersebut.

King: menunggu ... itu bisa menyanyi, tidak bisa itu? Bagaimana bisa? Lalu kenapa itu mengatakan nama saya? memberitahu saya mengapa anak?

Dia kemudian mengatakan kepada raja tentang ibunya yang tinggal di hutan. Kemudian, istana penyembuh mengakui kesalahannya. Dia mengatakan bahwa ratu tidak bersalah. Dia tidak pernah mencoba untuk membunuh raja. Raja sangat marah. Dia memerintahkan selir untuk dikirim ke penjara. Raja segera pergi ke hutan untuk mengambil istrinya. Dia meminta maaf karena mengirimnya ke hutan dan membuatnya ratu lagi. ***

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10 Tips dan Trik Cerdas Bijak Berinternet Tanpa Virus

10 Tips dan Trik Cerdas Bijak Berinternet Tanpa Virus

Internet bukan lagi menjadi gaya hidup, tetapi sudah kebutuhan. Namun, harus berhati-hati sebab aktivitas ber-internet terkadang membuat pengguna menjadi terganggu gara-gara tidak bijak menggunakannya. Akibatnya, tagihan membengkak atau pulsa modem cepat habis. Masalah lain adalah virus dan lambatnya koneksi.
Para pengguna internet terkadang tidak sadar situs yang diakses terkadang membawa virus atau tautan yang bisa menyedot pulsa atau membuat kooneksi lambat. Biasanya iklan atau penawaran survei. Jika menyedot pulsa atau membuat koneksi lambat masih bisa diterima, tetapi kalau membawa virus dan membuat komputer rusak?
agar terhindar dari masalah itu, berikut tips ber-internet yang dikutip dari penyedia jasa internet.
  1. perhatikan dan pahami dasar perhitungan dan penentuan tagihan termasuk komponen-komponen biasa yang diperhitungkan.
  2. mengakses suatu web page dalam waktu yang lama tidak berakibat besar terhadap jumlah pemakaian kuota, selama tidak mengakses tautan atau fasilitas web yang ada dalam laman tersebut.
  3. hindari mengakses banyak tautan content web yang tidak perlu karena setiap tautan yang diakses akan melakukan pengunduhan dan pengunggahan data yang nantinya akan dijadikan sebagai dasar perhitungan biaya penggunaan.
  4. hindari mengakses situs-situs yang banyak terdapat pop-up message/halaman web ikutan/tautan cabang, misalnya kuis, iklan, dan survei.
  5. pasang anti virus dan anti-spyware untuk mementalkan virus dan menu- menu pop up (misalnya McAfee antispyware). Gunakan fasilitas-fasilitas yang tersedia pada aplikasi tersebut sesuai dengan kebutuhan
  6. lakukan setting untuk keamanan pada komputer melalui menu control panel
  7. rahasiakan username dan password dari orang lain
  8. lakukan pengunduhan file aplikasi atau file-file yang diinginkan pada waktu yang tepat sehingga tidak perlu membatalkan proses pengunduhan, kemudian mengulang proses pengunduhan tersebut.
  9. bacalah artikel-artikel di majalah-majalah yang terkait dengan penggunaan internet sehingga dapat memperkaya wawasan tentang dunia internet. hal ini membuat kita semakin kaya informasi dan cerdas dalam menggunakan akses internet.
  10. bijaksanalah dan hindari situs-situs yang tidak bermanfaat. apalagi jika menggunakan PC atau laptop untuk keluarga. hindari situs-situs yang tidak berguna. gunakan internet dengan bijak dan bermanfaat.
salam berselancar dengan aman

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Contoh Skripsi Bahasa Inggris Bab 1,2,3


Study case in SMPN 7 Kuningan
1.1       Rationale
This study explores about the effectiveness of genre based approach toward the students’ descriptive text writing, according to Emilia (2011:16) genre based approach appears in 1980 and has been being used until now. She says in her book that the GBA gives priority to natural learning and personal voice, so the students can study how to write and how to speak simultaneously. By this the writer understands that the development of language teaching is always reconditioned in order to fulfill the needs of human as Mikko Lehtonen’s statement (2000:19) says that language is not a mare tool used when a message needs to be sent to a recipient, but it is an inseparable part of being human.
In genre based Approach, the students will be introduced the staged, goal-directed and purposeful (Gerot and Wignel (1994:190)). There are eight kinds of genre which should be learnt by the students in learning processes say Emilia (2011:27), those are Descriptive, Narrative, Recount, Pocedure, Report, and Exposition. The writer is interested to make a research whether the GBA is effective or no in improving students’ descriptive text writing and the school where will be become his study case is in SMPN 7 Kuningan. He hopes that it can help English teachers to give choice what strategies will be chosen in learning processes.
1.2       The Previous Studies
The writer got inspiration to make a research script whose title is the effectiveness of Genre Based Approach (GBA) in improving students’ descriptive text writing: study case in SMPN 7 Kuningan after he had read a thesis of Momoh Mulyati (2012: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) who wrote about the implementation of genre based approach in teaching writing recount texts: a study at Madrasah Aliyah Negri in Sumedang. She shares Genre Based Approach has a significant effect on students’ writing ability. There is an effect of implementing Genre Based Approach on students’ writing ability because the level of significance is 0.05. According to the thesis of Momoh Mulyati, the writer confidences that his research will have been success after he applies the genre based approach to the students of SMPN 7 Kuningan. The result of his research will be different because she concerns in teaching recount texts and the writer will apply it in descriptive text writing. Both kinds of text, recount and descriptive, are truly different. The recount text retells events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. Events usually arranged in a temporal sequence. But, the descriptive text describes the ways things are in our natural, built and social environment by first classifying things and then describing their special characteristics, see Emilia (2011:27). Gerot and Wignell (1994:194 & 208) also say that the recount text uses past tense but the description text uses simple present tense. By this the students will have different point of view toward both texts.

1.3       Research Questions
In relation to background of the study as explained before, the problems to be researched are:
a.       How is the students’ descriptive text writing in the eight grades of SMPN 7 Kuningan?
b.      Is genre based approach (GBA) effective in improving students’ descriptive text writing?

1.4       The Objective of The Research
According to the formulation of the problems above, this research is to know and analyze the effectiveness of genre based approach (GBA) in improving students’ descriptive text writing. This research is intended to:
1.  To know the students’ descriptive text writing in the eight grades of SMPN 7 Kuningan.
2. To know the effectiveness of using genre based approach (GBA) to improve students’ descriptive text writing.
1.5       Methodological outline
            The writer uses a quantitative method in this research. According to Heryadi  (2008:42), the language research methods which are excessively used are descriptive, experiment, and classroom action research methods. Finally, the writer will use experiment method to collect the data.

  1.5.1 The Data Source
To find out these data the researcher will make an experiment about genre based approach (GBA) toward the eight grades of SMPN 7 Kuningan, and he will read some English grammar books, some English scientific books of teaching and learning, and some other books relating to the topic of the research.
      1.5.2 The Data Collecting Technique
The writer will make an experimental design to collect the data. He will observe to the eight grades of SMPN 7 Kuningan and finally he will analyze toward the research questions above.
1.6       Hypothesis
            According to the previous study of Mulyati (2012) who made a research about the implementation of genre based approach, the writer confidences to say that genre based approach has an effect in improving students’ descriptive text writing. Finally it can help English teachers to improve their students in writing skill.
1.7       Weight and Relevance
            Theoretically, This research can be useful for English teachers to improve their students in writing skill.
            Practically, This research is used for his activity as a student of the English Department of Teacher and Education Faculty of Kuningan University, to make a research script as the result of strata one study. Not only that, this research also useful for the students of the university who will do the research in their thesis.
1.7       The Organization of Paper
Chapter one discusses about introduction that consists of rationale, the previous study, research questions, the objective of the research, hypothesis, methodological outline, weight and relevance and organization of paper
Chapter two discusses about frame of theories
Chapter three discusses about methodology
Chapter four discusses about research result and discussion of the findings.
Chapter five discusses about conclusions and suggestion


            This chapter describes the theoretical background of the writer’s research. It contains the definition of genre, the kinds of genre, descriptive, 
2.1       Definition of Genre
            Ventola (1989:129) in Beverly A. Lewin, Jonathan Fine and Lynne Young (2001:11) expresses that Genres range from poems and narratives to newspaper editorials, eulogies, scientific papers, and research articles. The ventola’s statement has same direction with Gerot and Wignel’s statement. A genre can be defined as a culturally specific text type which results from using language (written or spoken) to (help) accomplish something Gerot and Wignel (1994:17). From this finally the writer knows that genre is not only used as the strategy of English teachers to improve students’ writing skill but also used for other elements such as; poems, scientific papers, research script, and etc.
Gerot and Wignel (1994:190) say that genre is the staged, goal-directed and purposeful. There are three stages of teaching genre based approach, those are modeling, joint construction and independent construction and there are some elements are added, those are preparation, negotiation field and deconstruction or building knowledge of the field (BKOF). From this the writer understands that genre is the concept of writing in order to make us easy to compose because it can help us aware to write the composition. For example, if we want to make a narrative paragraphs, we will be concerned with the generic structures of narrative in order not to make us out of the concepts in writing and it is supported by Ventola (1987:77) in Beverly A. Lewin, Jonathan Fine and Lynne Young (2001:13) who says that genre must be seen as a semiotic system which makes its own meanings in terms of generic structures in texts.
            Martin (1985:250) in Beverly A. Lewin, Jonathan Fine and Lynne Young (2001:11) emphasis that genre represents at an abstract level the verbal strategies used to accomplish social purposes of many kinds. It makes the writer know the purpose of genre. According to the statement above he understands that genre is the abstract concept which is used to make compositions to accomplish social purposes of many kinds.
2.1.1    The Kinds of Genre
Swale (1990:43) in Beverly A. Lewin, Jonathan Fine and Lynne Young (2001:11) categorizes genres according to their set of shared communicative purposes, offering an extensive elaboration of the concept. It makes the writer knows that there are many kinds of genre. After he reads Gerot and Wignel (1994:192-223) who mention a number of genres, he can know the types of genre. Those are spoof, recounts, reports, analytical exposition, news item, anecdote, narrative, procedure, description, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, reviews, and commentary. And the kinds of genre which should be learnt by the students in learning processes say Emilia (2011:27), those are Descriptive, Narrative, Recount, Pocedure, Report, and Exposition.
2.2       Descriptive
            Descriptive or description is one kind of the genres which is mentioned by Gerot and Wignel (1994:208). They explain that descriptive or description is to describe a particular person, place or thing. They also mention the generic structure and the significant lexicogrammatical features of description.
            The generic structure of description contains two stages, those are identification and description. In identification, it identifies phenomenon to be described and in description, it describes parts, qualities, and characteristics. By this the writer understands that if he wants to describe something – human or non-human-, he should explore the characteristics, qualities, and parts of each object.
            The lexicogrammatical features of description have four steps. The first it focuses on specific participants, by this the writer understands that it should be focused to the object-it can be human or non-human- will be described.
The second it uses attributive and identifying processes. Gerot and Wignel (1994:67) explain that processes which establish an identity are called identifying processes and processes which assign a quality are called attributive processes. Each has its own characteristic participant roles. In attributives these are carrier and attribute.
Barry Tuckwell
A fine horn player

In identifying processes the participant roles are token and value.
Barry Tuckwell
May be
The finest living horn player

By this above, the writer understands that if there is someone who wants to write a composition using descriptive in writing, there will be full of sentences which include to attributive and identifying processes in writing.
            The third it frequent uses epithets and classifiers in nominal groups. By this the writer understands that when someone is writing descriptive paragraphs, they will mention both the epithets and classifiers of the object which is being described.
            The forth it uses simple present tense. According to Betty (2003:4) the simple present expresses daily habits or usual activities and general statements of fact. In sum, the simple present is used for events or situations that exist always, usually, or habitually in the past, present, and future. Betty (2002:2) also says that the simple present expresses events or situations that exist always, usually, or habitually; they exist now, have existed in the past, and probably will exist in the future. Both Betty’s statements above make the writer realize that the simple present tense is used to express the habitual activities of someone that exist in the present, in the past, and also probably will exist in the future. Not only those have mentioned before but also it is used to express the general truth.
There are the examples of present tense sentences which are exemplified in Betty (2003:4):
1.      Ann takes a shower everyday.
2.      I usually read the newspaper in the morning.
In (1) and (2) the simple present tense expresses daily habits or usual activities
3.      Babies cry. Birds fly.
In (3) the simple present tense expresses general statements of fact.
By the examples above the writer really understands about the usage of the simple present tense in writing. Finally he feels confident to apply it in his research to seek the truth about Genre Based Approach whether it is effective or not to be applied in students’ learning activities in order to improve students’ descriptive text writing in SMPN 7 Kuningan.

            This chapter investigates about the methodology of the research which is applied by the writer in his research. It contains method of the research, the method and techbique of data collecting, the method of data analysis, instrument of the research, population and sample.
3.1       Methodology of The research
            The writer uses a quantitative method in this research. According to Heryadi (2008:36), quantitative is born from the result of philosopher thoughts who give priority at scientific ways of thinking. It beholds that seeking the truth about a problem or a phenomenon should start from the truth at hand, those are principles, axiom, argumentation, and certain theory. Heryadi (2008:42) also explains that the language research methods which are excessively used are descriptive, experiment, and classroom action research methods. Finally, the writer will use experiment method to collect the data.
            According to to Heryadi (2008:52-53), to do the control, the researcher should have another sample groups as comparator (minimal one sample group). It is called a control group. By this the writer realizes that when he begins to make a research, he should have minimal two sample groups. The first is called experimental group and the second is called control group.

3.1.1        The Method and Technique of Data Collecting
As mentioned above that the writer will use experiment design as the method of research. The plan system of experiment design has various kinds. One of them is pretest-posttest control design below Heryadi (2008:53).
T1 → X → T2 (Y)
T1 → O→ T2 (Y)
T1        : Pretest
X         : Experimental group
O         : Control group
T2 (Y) : Posttest
By this above the writer is confident to collect the data. The first, the writer will hold the pretest to both groups in order to know the ability of students before treatments. After holding the pretest toward both groups, the writer will treat the genre based approach to the experimental group and another way to the control group, but his treatments toward both groups are not difference significantly; such as method of teaching, time of learning, learning atmosphere, etc. Finally the writer will hold the posttest as the final term to seek the truth whether the genre based approach is effective or no in improving students’ writing skill.

3.1.2        The Method of Data Analysis
After the data has been collected, the writer will use the t-test to compare two means. It will show whether the genre based approach is effective or no in improving students’ writing skill, especially toward the experimental group where the genre based approach is treated.  Hatch and Farhady (1982) say that t-test case two studies require a comparison of two means for two groups drawn from the population.
3.2               Instrument of The Research
The instrument which will be used by the writer to test the effectiveness of genre based approach toward the experimental and control groups is a task where students should compose the descriptive paragraph as the end of treatment processes. From the result it will be shown the progress of treatment.
3.3              Population and Sample
The writer will make a research about the effectiveness of the genre of based approach in SMPN 7 Kuningan. The writer will apply it to the eight grade students of SMP 7 Kuningan. He will take two classes where the first class will be become experimental group and the second will be become control group. He will treat both of them with different ways. In experimental class, he will apply the genre based approach in teaching processes but in control class, he will treat with another way. And to know the effectiveness of genre based approach he will compare the results of students’ composition using t-test which is mentioned above in the method of data analysis post.

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