
Soal Bahasa Inggris Subjunctive Pada Tes SBMPTN


Soal Bahasa Inggris Subjunctive Pada Tes SBMPTN

SBMPTN adalah salah satu jalur seleksi secara nasional untuk masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri melalui ujian tertulis. Berdasarkan pengalaman dalam melaksanakan SBMPTN, ujian tertulis ini menunjukan berbagai keuntungan dan keunggulan, baik bagi peserta ataupun PTN yang bersangkutan.
Mata pelajaran yang diujikan pada tes SBMPTN ini salah satunya adalah mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Dibawah ini disediakan contoh soal dan kunci jawaban SBMPTN bahasa inggris dengan materi SUJUNCTIVE. semoga bermanfaat


01. He acts as if he … English properly.
A.     Known                              D. knows
B.     had known                         E. knew
C.     is knowing

02. I wish they …. Tomorrow.
A.     are starting                         D. would start
B.     will start                                        E. have started
C.     were starting

03. Will he be punished ?
       Yes, … he appologizes.
A.     When                                             D. suppose
B.     If                                                   E. because
C.     Unless

04. He went to the blackboard as if he knew the answer.
      This sentence means :
A.     He’s sure he knows the answer                
B.     He knows the answer perfectly
C.     He should know the answer well
D.    He actually doesn’t know the answer.
E.     He ought to know the answer

05. There is a pretty girl at the bus stop.
      I wish I knew her.   The Underlined words means:
A.     I don’t know the girl                      D. I had known the girl before.
B.     I have known the girl                    E. The girl is very familiar with me.
C.     I would have known the girl

06. Ali talks as though he … Dutch well.
A.     has spoken                         D. could have spoken
B.     had spoken                                    E. could speak
C.     can have spoken

07. Doni                      : “ I told him how to do it. “
      Dadan                    : “ I know you did. If only he … your advice. “
A.     had taken                                       D. takes
B.     has taken                                       E. took
C.     is taking

08. If he didn’t hurry, he wouldn’t have caught the bus.
      This sentence means :
A.     He hurried because he didn’t catch the bus.
B.     He hurried so he caught the bus.
C.     He didn’t hurry so he caught the bus
D.    He caught the bus but he didn’t hurry.
E.     He didn’t hurry so he didn’t catch the bus.

09. “ I’m sorry I called him a rascal. “
      In other words we can say : I wish I … him a rascal.
A.     don’t call                                       D. didn’t call
B.     haven’t called                                E. won’t call
C.     hadn’t called

10. If you told the truth I would forgive you. This means:
A.     You don’t tell the truth although I can’t forgive you.
B.     You don’t tell the truth because I can forgive you, can’t I ?
C.     You don’t tell the truth that’s why I can’t forgive you.
D.    I can forgive you so You tell the truth.
E.     I can’t forgive you nevertheless You tell the truth.

11. One of the dishes was broken. My little sister kept silent and acted as if she hadn’t  done anything wrong.
      From this sentence we conclude that :
A.     She broke the dish.                                    D. I myself broke the dish.
B.     She didn’t know who broke the dish.        E. Someone else broke the dish.
C.     No one broke the dish.

12. If only my father had bought a color TV.
      This sentence means :
A.     My Father hadn’t bought a color TV.
B.     My Father doesn’t buy a color TV.           
C.     My Father didn’t buy a color TV.
D.    My Father  bought a color TV.
E.     My Father has bought a color TV.

13. My father wishes I hadn’t gone to the cinema.
      It means :
A.     I’m going to the cinema.                            D. I didn’t go to the cinema.
B.     I went to the cinema                                 E. I haven’t gone to the cinema.
C.     I would go to the cinema.

14. Ali talks as if he were the champion.
      This sentence shows us that :
A.     He pretends to be a sport man.                 D. He isn’t the champion.
B.     He won the competition.                           E. He is a good sport man.
C.     He is a real champion.

15. He treats us as if we were all foolish.
      This sentence means :
A.     He doesn’t think we Are all foolish.          D. we are really foolish.
B.     We don’t treat him to be foolish.               E. We aren’t all foolish.
C.     We aren’t sure that he is  foolish.

16. I wish you … as soon as possible.
A.     have left.                                                   D. are going to leave
B.     Have been leaving                                     E. are leaving
C.     Would leave

17. Everybody wishes … to watch the band display.
A.     he were here                                              D. he had been here
B.     he was here                                                E. he has been here
C.     he is here

18. If only I … a doctor.
A.     Are                                                                        D. am
B.     Were                                                          E. have been
C.     Was

19. I’m planning to go to a concert tonight, but it’s raining hard now.
      I wish …
A.     it will stop                                                 D. it had stopped
B.     it stopped                                                  E. it would stop.
C.     it has stopped

20. I wish ….
A.     I can remember where have I left my spectacles.
B.     I can remember where did I leave my spectacles.
C.     I could remember where I left my spectacles.
D.    I could remember where  did I leave my spectacles.
E.     I can remember where I was leaving  my spectacles.

21. If only the driver had driven carefully.
      This sentence means :
A.     The driver would have driven carefully.
B.     The driver has been driving carefully.
C.     The driver won’t drive carefully.
D.    The driver can’t drive carefully.
E.     The driver didn’t drive carefully.

22. I would rather you … me before you go out.
A.     to tell.                                                        D. are telling
B.     Tell                                                                        E. have told.
C.     Told

23. The girls wish they had worn their sweaters, means :
A.     They had worn would rather sweaters.
B.     They had worn their sweaters they wished to
C.     They wish to have worn their sweaters.
D.    They  would rather be wearing their sweaters.
E.     They  would rather they were wearing their sweaters.

24. I would rather you showed it to me … to her.
A.     before you are going to give it.                  D. if you are giving it.
B.     Before you gave it                                     E. before you have given it.
C.     When you have given it.

25. I wish it … when we went shopping yesterday.
A.     hadn’t rained.                                            D. isn’t raining
B.     Hasn’t rained                                             E. doesn’t rain
C.     Won’t rain

26. He wishes  he …. Me but he can’t.
A.     Helps                                                         D. has been helping
B.     can help                                                     E. helped
C.     could help

27. I’d rather the boys … away.
A.     Go                                                             D. are going
B.     Went                                                          E. to go
C.     were going

28. X   : “Is Erlina sick today?”
      Y   : “She looks … she is sick, but I think she’s just tired.”
A.     As                                                              D. as though
B.     For                                                             E. though
C.     as for

keterangan kunci jawaban: yang berwarna merah

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Cara Memahami Bahasa Inggris Dasar Dengan Mudah dan Cepat

oke langsung aja deh buat lu yang udah belajar bahasa inggris tapi ga bisa-bisa, coba deh saran gue. lu harus pahamin konsep dasar nya dulu masbro/mba bro. apa itu? 8 PARTS OF SPEECH.

hayu ngebahas satu-satu tentang apa yang gue sebutin barusan.

Cara Memahami Bahasa Inggris Dasar Dengan Mudah dan Cepat

8 PARTS OF SPEECH...... dari situ juga udah ketauan kalo ada 8 bagian yang lu kudu paham.

1. Noun (Kata Benda)

nah jadi gini. pernah ga guru bahasa indonesia lu ngasih tau apa itu SPOK? nah di bahasa inggris juga ada loh.. kalo istilah nya gue mah SVOTW; S(subjek) V(kata kerja) O(objek) T(keterangan tempat) W(keterangan waktu). trus apa hubungan nya dong dengan noun?? ya udah pasti kalo noun itu berperan penting dari susunan kalimat. why? because noun itu ada di hampir bagian kalimat tepat nya ada di SOTW. terus untuk sementara gini deh pola pikir nya. noun itu udah pasti kata yang mempunyai wujud/bentuk. masih kurang paham?? jadi semua yang lu bisa liat itu tuh namanya NOUN. yah meskipun ada juga sih yang namanya abstract noun. but let me explain! untuk sementara kaya gitu dulu deh biar pola pikir lu jadi gampang. sekali lagi nih kalo noun itu adalah kata yang mempunyai wujud/bentuk dengan kata lain lu bisa ngeliat nya kaya kursi, meja, buku, motor, jengkol, mie ayam, seblak, dll hehehhe

2. Adjective (Kata Sifat)

nah ini beda ama yang di atas. kalo adjective mah ga ada wujud nya tapi bisa dirasakan sama akal pikiran, dengan kata lain adjective tuh bawaan dari orang atau yang lain nya. kaya "ganteng" nah itu mah emang bawaan dari cowo nya, atau "murah" sama aja ini juga bawaan dari bendanya.

3. Adverb (Kata Keterangan)

kata keterangan mah banyak banget jenis nya cuma untuk sekarang mah mendingan kenalan dulu deh ama yang namanya keterangan tempat (adverb of place) ama keterangan waktu (adverb of time). gue punya kuis nih, siapa yang bisa jawab gue kasih permen deh, hehhehe. coba tebak kalo "every sunday" itu keterangan tempat apa waktu hayoo???? yeah you're right mas bro

4. Verb (Kata Kerja)

"bagai sayur tanpa garam" nah pribahasa ini cocok banget buat VERB. bahasa inggris tuh kurang lengkap kalo ga ada itu. verb itu melambangkan bahwa sesuatu itu bergerak atau melakukan sesuatu aktifitas dan ada 4 macam: V1(INFINITIVE), V2(PAST), V3(PAST PARTICIPLE). VING(PRESENT PARTICIPLE)

5. Pronoun (Kata Ganti)

biar pas lu lagi ngarang sebuah cerita itu ga basi. coba deh pelajarin PRONOUN. biar asik ga diulang-ulang kaya gini "yesterday mimin went to traditional market. mimin went ther with mum. mimin saw something there and bouht it. then mimin......................." terus aja mimin lagi disebutin biar karangan lu diniali basi ama orang. kalo di bahasa inggris mah namanya REPETITION. jadi solusinya kudu pake pronoun. mimin digenti ama SHE kalo di subject, HER kalo di object, dll.

6. Preposition (Kata Depan)

nah kalo ini mah tugas nya buat ngebantu noun buat jadi kata keterangan. kaya kata "IN" CONTOH: in Bandung (ket. tempat), in December (ket. waktu) dll.

7. Conjunction (Kata Sambung)

udah pasti dari judulnya juga udah ketauan kalo kata sambung mah buat nyambungin kalimat satu ke kalimat yang lain nya biar harmonis dan enak kalo ngebacanya. contoh " last night i visited my uncle and i saw terrible accident there"

8. Interjection (Kata Seru)

ini si khusus buat lu yang lagi belajar jadi bos. kerjaan nya nyuruh mulu, hehehe.

ini si bentuk nya imperative(perintah) dan prohibition(larangan)


- open the door! (imperative)

- don't kiss her! (prohibition)

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